Frimærke kategorier - Typer af frimærker

Frimærke kategorier - Typer af frimærker

Når der er et frimærke placeret på øverste højre hjørne af en konvolut, betyder det, at afsenderen har betalt det nødvendige porto der skal til, for at brevet kan blive sendt til dig. Frimærker skal have et kendetegn, der viser hvilket land brevet er sendt fra.

Sammen med eksistensen af frimærker, begyndte eksistensen af frimærkesamlere. Frimærkesamling er en meget populær hobby i hele verden. Frimærkesamlere elsker at sortere deres kollektion, og for at gøre dette, har de brug for at identificere frimærkerne i kategorier eller typer. Klik her for at læse interessante fakta om frimærkesamling i dag

Når du kigger gennem StampWorlds gratis online frimærkekatalog, vil du se, at frimærkerne kan sorteres i forskellige kategorier - (Se søgeboksen, markeret med rødt på højre side side af USA online frimærkekataloget herunder. Klik her for at gå til kataloget

Postage stamps categories StampWorld

Frimærkekategorier - Hvilke typer eksisterer der?

Når du samler på frimærker, vil du komme forbi frimærkekategorier og typer, som er unikke på deres egen måde.

Læg venligst mærke til, at de forskellige frimærkekategorier er oplistet i alfabetisk rækkefølge

  • Luftpost frimærke - Dette frimærke er brugt som betaling for luftpost service. Luftpost frimærker viser typisk et billede af flyvemaskiner eller kendte piloter. Disse frimærker anses for en særlig type postomdeling, der er helt adskilt fra måden der leveres via skib, tog eller andre køretøjer.

Postage stamp categories - airmail stamp

  • Booklet stamp -- the stamps are printed and issued in a booklet layout.

booklet stamp

  • Certified mail stamp -- stamp that lets the sender have proof of mailing via a mailing receipt. Only available for First Class Mail and Priority Mail letters mailed in the United States. Every certified mail is given its own label number that serves as an official record of an item being mailed by the postal service.

certified mail stamp

  • Coil stamps -- the stamps can be bought in a roll or they can be issued individually in a vending machine as tear-off stamps.

coil stamps

  • Commemorative stamp -- these limited-issue stamps serve to commemorate, honor or remember particular historical or special events that are of some significance to man. Although it can be used as postage, commemoratives are often owned by collectors and sold privately through auctions and online.

commemorative stamp

  • Customised stamp -- a stamp wherein you can choose the image by sending a photo or by using a computer. Some customized stamps are actually meter labels and not true stamps. Also called personalised stamp.

customized stamp

  • Definitive stamps -- the most commonly used stamps and they are issued mainly for everyday postage charges. They are issued year after year, and the number produced is not limited. Since they are very common, they have less interesting designs than commemorative stamps. The same design may be used for many years and are often issued in a sequence of stamps with varied denominations. Definitive stamps are available for sale for many years.

definitive stamp

  • Express mail stamp -- Also called special delivery stamp.

express mail or special delivery stamp

  • First day covers -- postage stamps are first issued on a particular date, often called first day issues or first day covers (FDCs). An FDC usually appears as an envelope with a postage stamp, and a postmark bearing the stamp's first day of issue.

first day cover

  • Forever stamps -- In 2007, the USPS introduced the forever stamp, which costs exactly the same as a standard first-class definitive stamp. However, unlike other stamps, it can be used "forever" as a first-class postage stamp on standard-size envelopes weighing 1 ounce or less. For instance, if you buy a forever stamp for 50 cents and a few years later the price of first-class stamps goes up to 53 cents, the forever stamp can still be used, and you don't need to buy extra 3 cents in postage to be able to send your mail. Also called permanent or non-denominated postage stamp.

forever stamp

  • International stamp -- A country can also sell stamps on behalf of other countries.
  • Local post stamp -- stamp used when a postal service operates only within a specific geographical area such as a city or a distinct transportation route.

local post stamp

  • Military stamp -- stamp for a country's military forces. They were used in time of war, or while ensuring a peace-keeping operation. Most often, the letters will be transported by the army itself until they reach the country of destination. Military stamps were widely used during World War II by soldiers who wish to send letters to their families.

military stamp

  • Minisheet or miniature sheet -- commemorative issue that is smaller than a regular full sheet of stamps, usually having more than 1 stamp.


  • Official mail stamp -- stamp used by the government.

official mail stamps

  • Occupation stamp -- stamp used by the occupying army.

occupation stamp

  • Overprint a regularly-issued postage stamp such as a definitive or commemorative issue, which has been changed after release by Printing Over a part of the stamp. Denominations may be changed through this manner.


  • Perforated stamp -- usually refers to perforations surrounding a stamp to divide a whole sheet into single stamps. Perforated stamps can also be those stamps having perforations across the middle with letters (monogram) or a pattern, which are called PERFINS. These stamps are typically bought by corporations to deter theft by employees.

perforated stamp

  • Postage due -- a stamp denoting that full postage has not yet been paid, and the amount owed is indicated. An example of this are the parcel post postage due stamps of the US Post Office Department.

postage due stamp

  • Postal tax stamp -- a stamp that indicates a tax aside from the postage fee has been paid and it is required to send mail. This is often required on mail issued on a specific day or for a few days.

parcel post postal tax stamp

  • Revenue stamp -- used to collect taxes and fees on alcoholic drinks, medicines, hunting licenses, playing cards, tobacco, firearm registration, documents, etc. It is issued by local and national governments, and by officials. It is also called a tax stamp or fiscal stamp.

revenue stamp

  • Self-adhesive stamp -- a pressure-sensitive, self-sticking stamp that does not need moisture to stick.

self-adhesive stamp

  • Semi-postal stamp -- A first-class definitive stamp may be bought for 50 cents, but a first-class semi-postal stamp costs 60 cents. The excess 10 cents will be transferred to a charitable institution (less the postal service's costs) to fund a cause. Also called charity stamp.

semi-postal stamp

  • Souvenir sheet -- commemorative stamp issued in a big format valid for postage. It often contains an imperforate or perforate stamp as part of its design. Please see minisheet.

souvenir sheet

  • Special stamp -- a stamp that is not considered a definitive or commemorative stamp. Holiday stamps (Christmas, Thanksgiving) or Greetings stamps and Love stamps are examples of special stamps.

special stamp

  • Specimen stamp -- sent to postal administrations and postmasters as a means to validate genuine stamps and avoid forgeries.

specimen stamp

  • Test stamp -- a label stamp not valid for postage. It is used by postal authorities to test out machines that can detect a stamp on envelopes or to test out their sorting and cancelling machines. Also called dummy or training stamps.

test stamp

  • Variable value stamp -- stamp issued by a machine similar to an ATM, with the value or amount of your choice printed during the time the stamp is dispensed. The value may be variable or based on a fixed series of postal rates.

variable value stamp

  • War tax stamp -- stamp added to an envelope aside from a regular postage stamp. It is the same as a postal tax stamp, but the revenue is used to pay for the costs of war.

war tax stamp

  • Water-activated stamp -- The adhesive or gum on this stamp must be moistened, usually by licking; therefore, the stamps are also called Lick and Stick stamps.

water-activated stamp

Hvilke frimærkekategorier har du?

Der findes mange andre typer af frimærker, end de der er nævnt herover, og de førnævnte typer vil med garanti være en hjælp for dig, når du skal identificere dine egne frimærker. De er især brugbare, hvis du er ny til det at samle frimærker.

Postage Stamps Categories

Det er op til dig, hvor mange af de forskellige typer af frimærker du vil samle. Jo flere typer du vælger, jo mere unik vil din samling blive, men det vil samtidig også blive en kende uoverskueligt. Derfor vælger mange samlere at fokusere deres samlinger på en bestemt type mærker, og oftest vælger samlere at gå efter de mærker der bruges mest, da disse også er de mærker, det er lettest at få fingrene i. De mest typiske typer er jubilæumsfrimærker, standardudgivelser, og specielle udgivelser.

Lige siden udgivelsen af det første frimærke, har frimærker været en vigtig del af menneskehedens historie. Der er bred enighed omkring frimærket som værende et stærk medie til at udbrede kendskab til historien og viden om historiske begivenheder i dagens samfund, der er gennemsyret af moderne teknologi. Dette viser, at til trods for alle de opfindelser mennesket kommer frem med, vil frimærker fortsat have en rolle at spille, så længe der er historie at fortælle.