1940-1949 之前
罗马尼亚 (page 3/13)
1960-1969 之后

现在展示: 罗马尼亚 - (通用)邮票 (1950 - 1959) - 642 邮票.

1951 The 25th Anniversary of the Death of Pavel Tcacenco

22. 十二月 窗口管理器: 11 设计: Cr.Muller 雕版: Fabrica de timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14 x 14½

[The 25th Anniversary of the Death of Pavel Tcacenco, 类型 AXT]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1297 AXT 10L 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ion Luca Caragiale - Surcharge on Not Issued Stamps, 类型 AXU] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ion Luca Caragiale - Surcharge on Not Issued Stamps, 类型 AXV] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ion Luca Caragiale - Surcharge on Not Issued Stamps, 类型 AXW] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ion Luca Caragiale - Surcharge on Not Issued Stamps, 类型 AXX]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1298 AXU 20/11B 1.09 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1299 AXV 55/11B 1.63 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1300 AXW 75/11B 3.26 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1301 AXX 1L 5.43 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1298‑1301 11.41 - 4.33 - USD 
1952 Referendum Stamp of 1948 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 9 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14½ x 14

[Referendum Stamp of 1948 Surcharged, 类型 AQC1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1302 AQC1 55/12B 6.51 - 3.26 - USD  Info
1952 New Constitution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 9 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 13¼ x 14¾

[New Constitution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged, 类型 ARB1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1303 ARB1 50/12B 5.43 - 1.63 - USD  Info
1952 Revolution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 9 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14

[Revolution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged, 类型 ARO1] [Revolution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged, 类型 ARP1] [Revolution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged, 类型 ARQ1] [Revolution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged, 类型 ARR1] [Revolution Stamps of 1948 Surcharged, 类型 ARS1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1304 ARO1 1.75/2+2 L 16.29 - 5.43 - USD  Info
1305 ARP1 1.75/5+5 L 16.29 - 5.43 - USD  Info
1306 ARQ1 1.75/10+10 L 16.29 - 5.43 - USD  Info
1307 ARR1 1.75/11L 16.29 - 5.43 - USD  Info
1308 ARS1 1.75/36+18 L 16.29 - 5.43 - USD  Info
1304‑1308 81.45 - 27.15 - USD 
1952 Alexandar Pushkin Stamps of 1949 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14 x 14½

[Alexandar Pushkin Stamps of 1949 Surcharged, 类型 ATR1] [Alexandar Pushkin Stamps of 1949 Surcharged, 类型 ATS1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1309 ATR1 10/11B/L 5.43 - 1.63 - USD  Info
1310 ATS1 10/30B/L 5.43 - 1.63 - USD  Info
1309‑1310 10.86 - 3.26 - USD 
1952 Mihai Eminescu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 13¾

[Mihai Eminescu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUA1] [Mihai Eminescu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUB1] [Mihai Eminescu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUC1] [Mihai Eminescu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUD1] [Mihai Eminescu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUE1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1311 AUA1 10/11B/L 5.43 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1312 AUB1 10/11B/L 5.43 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1313 AUC1 10/11B/L 5.43 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1314 AUD1 10/11B/L 5.43 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1315 AUE1 10/11B/L 5.43 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1311‑1315 27.15 - 10.85 - USD 
1952 Ion Andrescu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14 x 14½

[Ion Andrescu Stamps of 1950  Surcharged, 类型 AUF1] [Ion Andrescu Stamps of 1950  Surcharged, 类型 AUG1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1316 AUF1 55/5B/L 27.14 - 13.03 - USD  Info
1317 AUG1 55/11B/L 13.03 - 4.34 - USD  Info
1316‑1317 40.17 - 17.37 - USD 
1952 Year Plan Stamps of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14 x 14½

[Year Plan Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUJ1] [Year Plan Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUL1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1318 AUJ1 20/11B/L 6.51 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1319 AUL1 20/31B/L 4.34 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1318‑1319 10.85 - 3.26 - USD 
1952 Labour Day Stamps of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14 x 14½

[Labour Day Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUM1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1320 AUM1 55/31B/L 5.43 - 4.34 - USD  Info
1952 Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 12½

[Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO15] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO16] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO17] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO18] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO19] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO20] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO21] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO22] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO23] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO24] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO25] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO26] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO27] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AUO28]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1321 AUO15 3/1B/L 2.71 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1322 AUO16 3/2B/L 2.71 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1323 AUO17 3/4B/L 2.71 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1324 AUO18 3/5B/L 2.71 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1325 AUO19 3/7.50B/L 2.71 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1326 AUO20 3/10B/L 2.71 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1327 AUO21 55/0.50B/L 8.69 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1328 AUO22 55/3B/L 8.69 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1329 AUO23 55/6B/L 8.69 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1330 AUO24 55/7B/L 8.69 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1331 AUO25 55/15B/L 10.86 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1332 AUO26 55/20B/L 8.69 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1333 AUO27 55/31B/L 8.69 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1334 AUO28 55/36B/L 10.86 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1321‑1334 90.12 - 23.90 - USD 
1952 Young Pioneers Stamps of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14½ x 14

[Young Pioneers Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 XVC1] [Young Pioneers Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 XVD1] [Young Pioneers Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 ZVE1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1335 XVC1 55/8B/L 16.29 - 6.51 - USD  Info
1336 XVD1 55/11B/L 16.29 - 6.51 - USD  Info
1337 ZVE1 55/31B/L 16.29 - 6.51 - USD  Info
1335‑1337 48.87 - 19.53 - USD 
1952 Aurel Viacu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 12½

[Aurel Viacu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AVJ1] [Aurel Viacu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AVK1] [Aurel Viacu Stamps of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AVL1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1338 AVJ1 10/3B/L 3.26 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1339 AVK1 10/6B/L 3.26 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1340 AVL1 10/8B/L 3.26 - 1.09 - USD  Info
1338‑1340 9.78 - 3.27 - USD 
1952 Peace Congress Stamp of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 13½

[Peace Congress Stamp of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AVN1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1341 AVN1 20/20B/L 4.34 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1952 Sports Stamp of 1950 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 14½ x 14

[Sports Stamp of 1950 Surcharged, 类型 AVS1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1342 AVS1 55/3B/L 32.57 - 27.14 - USD  Info
1952 University Sports Games of 1951 Surcharged

窗口管理器: 10 雕版: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. 筛孔: 13½

[University Sports Games of 1951 Surcharged, 类型 AWB1] [University Sports Games of 1951 Surcharged, 类型 AWC1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1343 AWB1 55/20B/L 54.29 - 27.14 - USD  Info
1344 AWC1 55/31B/L 54.29 - 27.14 - USD  Info
1343‑1344 108 - 54.28 - USD 
[Industry and Agriculture Exhibition Stamp of 1951 Surcharged, 类型 AWE1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1345 AWE1 55/31B/L 6.51 - 4.34 - USD  Info







