
现在展示: 纽芬兰 - (通用)邮票 (1857 - 1947) - 2 邮票.

[Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 A] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 B] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 C] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 D] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 A1] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 A2] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 E] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 F] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 G] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 H]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1 A 1P - 135 217 - USD  Info
2 B 2P - 13029 6514 - USD  Info
3 C 3P - 1085 542 - USD  Info
4 D 4P - 8686 3257 - USD  Info
5 A1 5P - 271 542 - USD  Info
5a A2 5P - 135 434 - USD  Info
6 E 6P - 16287 4886 - USD  Info
7 F 6½P - 3257 3800 - USD  Info
8 G 8P - 325 651 - USD  Info
9 H 1Sh - 16287 6514 - USD  Info
1860 As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh

窗口管理器: 空缺 筛孔: Imperforated

[As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 B1] [As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 C1] [As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 A3] [As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 H1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
10 B1 2P - 434 651 - USD  Info
11 C1 3P - 86.86 190 - USD  Info
12 D1 4P - 3257 1085 - USD  Info
13 A3 5P - 108 434 - USD  Info
14 E1 6P - 3800 651 - USD  Info
15 H1 1Sh - 27145 10858 - USD  Info







