Pomagajte nam

Stampworld.com temelji na pomoči in sodelovanju naših uporabnikov, zato vas vabimo k sodelovanju pri soustvarjanju boljše uporabniške izkušnje za vse naše člane. Spodaj lahko vidite na kakšne načine nam lahko pomagate:

If you enjoy using Stampworld and want to offer your support, we would like to offer you a Volunteer's Badge in return. The badge will be shown on your profile page, as well as next to your username in profile searches.

1. Pomoč v specifičnih državah:

Pomagajte nam z enim ali večimi naštetimi stvarmi:

- Popravite slovnične napake, ki jih morda najdete na spletni strani.
- Pomagajte nam s prevodom strani iz angleščine v vaš jezik.
- Obvestite nas o lokalnih dogodkih (razstavah, dražbah in podobno) v vaši državi.
- Zberite infomacije o filatelističnih društvih in organizacijah v vaši državi.

At this time we are only "offering" unpaid work, which can be handled by one or more members from each country, so we would greatly appreciate any help we can get, regardless of how much time/help you are able to offer us.

Tukaj lahko navežete stik z nami, če menite, da nam lahko pomagate s katero izmed zgoraj navedenih možnosti.

2. Nove izdaje

Zelo se trudimo, da bi naša zbirka vsebovala tudi najnovejše izdaja (vseh držav). prosimo vas, da nas obvestite, če opazite da v zbirki manjkajo določene izdaje iz vaše države. Če opazite manjkajočo izdajo:

Kliknite tukaj in nas obvestite o tem!

3. Manjkajoče slike

Imamo slike vseh znamk na svetu...skoraj vseh. Zato vas prosimo, da v naš katalog dodate manjkajoče slike/skenirane slike znamk. Slike laho naložite medtem ko se nahajate v katalogu.

Če v katalogu opazite sliko slabe kvalitete ali neustrezno sliko ter imate takšno, ki je boljša, nas kontaktirajte in nam pošljite boljšo sliko.

Kliknite tukaj in nam pošljite boljšo sliko!

4. Manjkajoče informacije

If you have information about a stamp, and we do not have that information, you can add it by clicking the "(i)" (info button) in the catalogue on the specific stamp. This applies to any ordinary information, as well as information about engraving, sizes etc. However also more specific information such as history and articles about a particular stamp.

5. Manjkajoče različice

If you know of any variants of a stamp, which we do not have registered on StampWorld, then you can add that variant, by clicking the "(i)" (info button) in the catalogue next to each stamp. As it is impossible for us to have each and every variant of all stamps included (at least initially), we greatly appreciate any help we can get in adding variants.

6. Registracijski podatki

This can also be done by clicking the "(i)" (info button) in the catalogue next to each stamp, and then clicking on "plates".

7. Ponaredki

This can be done by clicking the "(i)" (info button) in the catalogue next to each stamp, and then clicking on "forgeries".

Ponovno, cenimo VSAKO pomoč, ki bi nam pomagala urediti evidenco znam, ne glede na to ali nam namenite dve ali dvajset minut.

If you feel that you could help with anything else (which we have not mentioned or thought of above) or if you have any ideas for improvements, please do not hesitate to contact us you can do that by clicking here: Kontaktirajte nas!