Germany (page 1/8)
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Now showing: Germany - Postage stamps (1980 - 1989) - 397 stamps.

1980 The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Anselm Feuerbach, Painter

10. January WM: None Design: Schall Perforation: 14

[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Anselm Feuerbach, Painter, type AEQ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
921 AEQ 50Pfg 1.09 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 The 25th Anniversary of the Federal Republic Entering NATO

10. January WM: None Design: Börnsen Perforation: 14

[The 25th Anniversary of the Federal Republic Entering NATO, type AER]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
922 AER 100Pfg 1.63 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1980 The 1200th Anniversary of the Osnabrück

10. January WM: None Design: Otto Rohse Perforation: 14

[The 1200th Anniversary of the Osnabrück, type AES]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
923 AES 60Pfg 1.09 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 The 500th Anniversary of Götz von Berlichingen

10. January WM: None Design: Jacki Perforation: 14

[The 500th Anniversary of Götz von Berlichingen, type AET]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
924 AET 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 Palaces and Castles

14. February WM: None Design: Schillinger Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[Palaces and Castles, type AEU] [Palaces and Castles, type AEV]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
925 AEU 40Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
926 AEV 50Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
925‑926 1.08 - 0.54 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of the First Dictionary by Konrad Duden, type AEW]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
927 AEW 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 Youth Hostel - Aviation

10. April WM: None Perforation: 14

[Youth Hostel - Aviation, type AEX] [Youth Hostel - Aviation, type AEY] [Youth Hostel - Aviation, type AEZ] [Youth Hostel - Aviation, type AFA]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
928 AEX 40+20 Pfg 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
929 AEY 50+25 Pfg 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
930 AEZ 60+30 Pfg 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
931 AFA 90+45 Pfg 1.09 - 1.09 - USD  Info
928‑931 2.98 - 2.98 - USD 
1980 The 100th Anniversary of the Welfare

10. April WM: None Design: Karl Oskar Blase Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[The 100th Anniversary of the Welfare, type AFB]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
932 AFB 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 The 800th Anniversary of the Reichstag

10. April WM: None Perforation: 14

[The 800th Anniversary of the Reichstag, type AFC]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
933 AFC 60Pfg 1.09 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 Sports

8. May WM: None Perforation: 14

[Sports, type AFD] [Sports, type AFE] [Sports, type AFF]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
934 AFD 50+25 Pfg 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
935 AFE 60+30 Pfg 1.09 - 0.81 - USD  Info
936 AFF 90+45 Pfg 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
934‑936 3.26 - 2.98 - USD 
1980 EUROPA Stamps - Famous People

8. May WM: None Design: Elisabetta di Janota-Bzowski Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 13¾ x 14

[EUROPA Stamps - Famous People, type AFG] [EUROPA Stamps - Famous People, type AFH]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
937 AFG 50Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
938 AFH 60Pfg 1.09 - 0.27 - USD  Info
937‑938 1.90 - 0.54 - USD 
1980 The 450th Anniversary of the "Confeesio Augustana"

8. May WM: None Perforation: 13¾ x 14

[The 450th Anniversary of the "Confeesio Augustana", type AFI]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
939 AFI 50Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 Protection of Nature

8. May WM: None Design: Heinz Schillinger Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 13¾ x 14

[Protection of Nature, type AFJ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
940 AFJ 40Pfg 1.09 - 0.27 - USD  Info
[International Congress for Teaching Defective Hearing, type AFK]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
941 AFK 90Pfg 1.09 - 0.27 - USD  Info
[The 250th Anniversary of the First Edition of the Moravian Brethren's Book of Watchword, type AFL]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
942 AFL 50Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
[The 1500th Anniversary of the Birth of Benedikt from Nursia, type AFM]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
943 AFM 50Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 The 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr.Fr.Joseph Haass

14. August WM: None Design: Gerd Aretz Perforation: 14

[The 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr.Fr.Joseph Haass, type AFN]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
944 AFN 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
[The 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Marie von Ebner Eschenbach, Writer, type AFO]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
945 AFO 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Gorch Fock, Writer

14. August WM: None Design: Jacki Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Gorch Fock, Writer, type AFP]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
946 AFP 60Pfg 1.63 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 Charity Stamps - Flowers & Plants

9. October WM: None Design: Heinz Schillinger Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 13¾

[Charity Stamps - Flowers & Plants, type AFQ] [Charity Stamps - Flowers & Plants, type AFR] [Charity Stamps - Flowers & Plants, type AFS] [Charity Stamps - Flowers & Plants, type AFT]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
947 AFQ 40+20 Pfg 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
948 AFR 50+25 Pfg 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
949 AFS 60+30 Pfg 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
950 AFT 90+45 Pfg 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
947‑950 3.52 - 3.52 - USD 
1980 The 2000th Anniversary of Wine Growing in Middle Europe

9. October WM: None Design: Erwin Poell Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[The 2000th Anniversary of Wine Growing in Middle Europe, type AFU]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
951 AFU 50Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 The 100th Anniversary of the Cathedral in Cologne

9. October WM: None Design: Peter Steiner Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[The 100th Anniversary of the Cathedral in Cologne, type AFV]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
952 AFV 60Pfg 1.63 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1980 FIB Congress in Essen

13. November WM: None Sheetsize: 10 Perforation: 13¾

[FIB Congress in Essen, type AFW]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
953 AFW 60+30 Pfg 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1980 Christmas Stamps

13. November WM: None Perforation: 13¾

[Christmas Stamps, type AFX]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
954 AFX 60+30 Pfg 1.09 - 1.09 - USD  Info
[The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Albrecht Altdorfer, Painter, type AFY]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
955 AFY 40Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of  Elly Heuss-Knapp, type AFZ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
956 AFZ 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 International Year of Disabled Persons

15. January WM: None Perforation: 14

[International Year of Disabled Persons, type AGA]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
957 AGA 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 The Restoration of Buildings in Europe

15. January WM: None Design: Otto Rohse Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[The Restoration of Buildings in Europe, type AGB]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
958 AGB 60Pfg 1.09 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Georg Philipp Teleman, Composer

12. February WM: None Design: Elisabetta di Janota-Bzowski Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Georg Philipp Teleman, Composer, type AGC]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
959 AGC 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 Integration of Foreigners

12. February WM: None Design: Ade Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[Integration of Foreigners, type AGD]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
960 AGD 50Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 Protection of Environment

12. February WM: None Perforation: 14

[Protection of Environment, type AGE]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
961 AGE 60Pfg 1.63 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 European Patent Protection

12. February WM: None Perforation: 14

[European Patent Protection, type AGF]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
962 AGF 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 The Struggle Against Cancer

12. February WM: None Design: Götzinger Engraving: Stampatore: Bagel Security-Print GmbH & Co. KG Perforation: 14

[The Struggle Against Cancer, type AGG]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
963 AGG 40Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1981 Youth Hostel - Optic Instruments

10. April WM: None Perforation: 14

[Youth Hostel - Optic Instruments, type AGH] [Youth Hostel - Optic Instruments, type AGI] [Youth Hostel - Optic Instruments, type AGJ] [Youth Hostel - Optic Instruments, type AGK]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
964 AGH 40+20 Pfg 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
965 AGI 50+25 Pfg 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
966 AGJ 60+30 Pfg 1.09 - 0.81 - USD  Info
967 AGK 90+45 Pfg 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
964‑967 3.80 - 3.52 - USD 
1981 Sports

10. April WM: None Perforation: 14

[Sports, type AGL] [Sports, type AGM]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
968 AGL 60+30 Pfg 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
969 AGM 90+45 Pfg 1.09 - 1.09 - USD  Info
968‑969 1.90 - 1.90 - USD 
1981 EUROPA Stamps - Folklore

7. May WM: None Design: Elisabeth von Janota-Bzowski Engraving: Stampatore: Bundesdruckerei Perforation: 14

[EUROPA Stamps - Folklore, type AGN] [EUROPA Stamps - Folklore, type AGO]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
970 AGN 50Pfg 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
971 AGO 60Pfg 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
970‑971 1.35 - 0.54 - USD 


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